Friday, January 14, 2011

Man-eating tigress spotted

Rishikesh (Uttarakhand), Jan 13 (PTI) The man-eatingtigress, who was injured in an attempt by Uttarakhand forestdepartment hunters to shoot it, was today spotted by a teamof forest officials after a three-day search, an officialsaid.

The team members saw that blood was oozing out of thewounds of the tigress which was located behind a forest resthouse, Deputy Director of Corbett Tiger Reserve (CTR) C KKavidayal said.

However, the tigress soon ran into the jungles andmanaged to hid herself, he said, adding it has been confirmedafter examination of pugmarks that this is the same tigresswhich was shot by the department hunters on the night ofJanuary 11.

Efforts would now be made to capture the wild cat byusing a bait for her, Kavidayal said.

Earlier, the CTR administration had pressed into servicesniffer dogs to locate the tigress which has so far killedfour women in a span of two months, but they too could nottrace the animal.

The hunters had shot the tigress when it returned toits victim, the body of the woman which it had killed onJanuary 10. However, it managed to escape the attack and raninto the jungles in an injured condition.

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